Built to help women have a 360° approach to health through perimenopause to post-menopause.
We all know that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. We all go through rough patches in our lives and for some, it’s a lot more common than others. There are also times when the challenges just keep on coming and hammering us down for weeks or months on end. This may seem hopeless for a lot of people and some even resort to extreme methods just to be free from all these problems.
There are countless challenges that we may face whether it’s losing a job, a pet, having a breakup, saying goodbye, divorce, problems with our children, etc. However, just as these challenges keep on coming into our lives, what’s more, important than anything else is how we stand back up from all these adversities and live on for better days in our lives! After all negative times are just a part of life. What’s important though is that you don’t let those negative experiences define who you are.
You may look back on all the negative experiences you’ve had in life and see that some of those moments have led you to where you are now. Perhaps you have even turned the table on some of these challenges and turned them into opportunities instead.
It’s easy for our minds to go into panic mode and see all the possible negative results that can happen whenever we’re in a pinch. This is simply a part of our defense mechanism or as some people call it, our “Fight-or-flight mechanism”. Our minds get us prepped up for any incoming danger to keep us safe. However, there are times when these get overwhelming and we end up getting caught up in our own thoughts instead.
What’s even worse is if we get so caught up that we are still stuck on these past experiences even in the present, is simply a waste of our precious time. Why? Because there’s nothing we can do about the past. No matter how much we obsess about what we “Could have done better or said better” about a past experience, there is no changing it now.
What we can do instead is look toward the present. Stop looking at closed doors and look at the doors that are open in front of us. What might be a setback or painful breakup yesterday, might be a great opportunity or a lesson to learn from today. As such, we need the right mindset when it comes to the challenges we face in life.
We understand that it can be hard to let go of negative experiences. Especially those that cause us trauma and hurt. It does not just disappear overnight. It takes time to heal and that time can vary among people. So there’s also no need to push yourself too much. Work at your own pace, but make sure you’re always dedicated to moving forward from the past.
While mistakes and negative experiences are inevitable in our lives, our capability to move forward using the right mindset will allow us to move past them and not let them affect us for an entire lifetime. This is what we should always try to remember when it comes to agonizing over past mistakes. It may have already happened, and there may be nothing we can do about it, but there is also nothing stopping us from making things better in the present and making sure we don’t make the same mistakes that we did in the past.
Spend valuable time focusing on the past, when you can spend that time building a better future for yourself. So let go of those negative moments, take the lessons you have learnt from them, and stride forward with confidence because your future is bright.
If you want to find out more about how I can help you to let go of negative experiences book a FREE consultation with me today!
Louise xx
I have a reputation as a compassionate and innovative therapist who produces rapid and lasting changes with my clients. Are you ready to become my next success story?
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